New Leaders for ‘NAMAM’

US Malayalee’s own social and cultural organization NAMAM has announced new leadership elects for the year 2023.

Dr. Asha Menon – President Elect
Suja Nair Shirodhkar – Secretary Elect
NamithManath – Treasurer Elect

The new leadership team will assume their roles in February 2023.

A doctor by her profession, Asha has a fellowship in Neuro Ophthalmology and has been very active in the social activities within New Jersey. Suja is an IT Engineer and Namith is a senior engineer in the pharmaceutical industry. They have been very active in various social and cultural activities of NAMAM in the last few years.

NAMAM Chairman Madhavan B Nair has mentioned that the 2023 Leadership team of NAMAM has already planned a plethora of social and cultural activities and will be an exciting year!

One Thought to “New Leaders for ‘NAMAM’”

  1. Subramaniam Dharmarajan

    Congrats to the new office bearers Asha,Suja & Namith and also other members of the executive committee. Wish you a successful term ahead.

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