Experts find 2,000-year-old painting

London: Some such evidence has been found in Italy about the lifestyle and food habits of our ancestors, about which even you will be surprised to hear. Experts at Italy’s Pompeii archaeological site say they have found a 2,000-year-old painting. Experts have said that the painting may be of what we know today as pizza. The Italian Ministry of Culture said the painting was found in the hall of a house with a bakery attached to it. The painting details a plate of food, which resembles a round piece of bread decorated with toppings. But while the painting – which historians say was discovered next to the bakery – may have looked similar to pizza, it still lacked the ingredients commonly used today.

The ancient painting, believed to be the forerunner of the modern pizza, was discovered in the middle of a half-broken wall during recent excavations at the archaeological site. In addition to the pizza paintings, new excavations have also revealed the courtyard of a house that includes an annexe with a bakery that was first discovered in the late 19th century. The painting shows a silver platter with flatbreads, fresh and dried fruits such as pomegranates and dates, next to cups of wine. The Italian Ministry of Culture said that archaeologists believe that the flat bread depicted in the painting would have been eaten with said fruits or dried fruits or eaten with spices and a type of pesto sauce.

Experts at the Pompeii archaeological site said in a statement that what was painted on the wall of an ancient Pompeian house could be a distant ancestor of modern cuisine. Be aware that the Pompeii site was not discovered until the 16th century. The ancient Roman city of Pompeii, home to about 13,000 people, suffered a devastating volcanic eruption at Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, which covered it in thick ash. Tell us how our ancestors lived, what they ate, what they wore. We know many things about this. But still research continues on this.

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