Use homemade scrub for detanning feet

Tanning happens quickly in summer. Due to not wearing covered footwear, tanning occurs in the feet. Along with sunlight, pollution and dirt also create a buildup on the skin of the feet and UV rays also lead to tanning. Avoiding tanning is difficult, but detanning your feet is easy. To take care of the feet, many things can be taken care of, such as wearing thin stockings. Keep your feet covered as long as you are outside, apply sunscreen, it protects the skin from damage and dullness.

lemon and sugar

Lemon acts as a cleanser and sugar exfoliates the skin. To make a scrub, mix 3 teaspoons of sugar in the juice of 1 lemon. Keep the scrub for 10 minutes, then wash after scrubbing after 5 to 7 minutes.

curd and gram flour

Gram flour helps in removing tanning and curd cleanses the skin. To make it, mix 3 spoons of curd in 1 spoon of gram flour. Keep it for 30 minutes and when the gram flour dries, remove it by rubbing it with a light hand. This will exfoliate the skin and make it soft with curd.

Coffee and Coconut Scrub

Coffee is perfect for exfoliating the skin. Coffee helps in exfoliating the whole body. Coconut oil with coffee is the perfect detan scrub. Mix two spoons of coconut oil in two spoons of coffee and scrub for 10 to 15 minutes then wash.

Potato and Lemon

The enzyme found in potato helps in removing blemishes, dark circles and tanning from the skin. Grate a potato and add the juice of 1 lemon along with it. Mix and apply on the feet and leave it for 20 to 25 minutes, then wash.

Oats Scrub

If oats expire, then instead of eating, you can apply it on your feet. Prepare a scrub by mixing yogurt and a teaspoon of lemon juice in a teaspoon of oats. Exfoliate for 15 minutes, then wash. The scrub will clean the pores and make the skin glow.

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