Modi’s guarantee of good health to every Indian through Ayushman card

Bhopal: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that Ayushman card is the guarantee of good health for every Indian. In this card, free treatment of up to Rs 5 lakh is guaranteed to the poor. If your health deteriorates anywhere in India, go to the hospital and show this card, you will get up to 5 lakh rupees free of cost. Free treatment will be available. Illness is the biggest concern of the poor and this card is your guarantee of treatment. So far 5 crore poor people have been treated under this scheme. Had this card not been there, the poor would have had to sell their homes for treatment. Today, one crore people of Madhya Pradesh have been given Ayushman cards here. This card will work as an ATM of Rs 5 lakh for treatment in the pocket of the poor. While showing the card of Devendra Kumar Kaul, the beneficiary of Ayushman card, Prime Minister Modi told that free treatment of 5 lakhs is written on it. This is Modi’s guarantee of free treatment for every poor. No one in this country has ever given a guarantee of Rs 5 lakh treatment to the poor in a year, our government has done this.

Took help from Nobel laureate Japanese scientist in eradication of sickle cell anaemia: Prime Minister Modi said that I had gone on a visit to Japan, then I had a conversation with a Nobel laureate scientist there, who was doing research on sickle cell anaemia. I asked him for help. We have made eradication of sickle cell anemia the main mission of the nectar of independence. Our target is to make India free from this disease by the year 2047.

Prime Minister Modi said that the public should beware of those who give false guarantees. Identify the hidden flaw in their guarantee. The guarantee of free electricity is a trick to increase electricity prices, the guarantee of free travel is to destroy the transport system, the guarantee of increasing pension means that employees will not get their salary on time, the guarantee of cheap petrol is a sign of increasing taxes, increasing employment. The guarantee is a conspiracy to sabotage the industry.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi today launched the National Sickle Cell Anemia Eradication Mission at Lalpur in Shahdol district of the state. On this occasion, he started distribution of more than one crore PVC Ayushman cards in the state. The Prime Minister distributed more than 3.5 crore digital Ayushman cards in the country by pressing the tab button. He also released the Sickle Cell National Portal, Mission Management Guide-line, Ayushman training module for health workers, Jagran module for non-health workers and module for parents of children suffering from the disease. The Prime Minister distributed sickle cell counseling cards to Reena Singh Gond, Hemraj Kol and Rajendra Singh Gond, Mandakini Nath Jogi and Deepak Kumar.

Other guarantees of Prime Minister Modi

• More than 80 crore people have got the guarantee of free ration from Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana.
• Yojana is a health guarantee for 50 crore Indians.
• Under the Ujjwala Yojana, 10 crore women have been guaranteed freedom from smoke.
• 8.5 crore people have got guaranteed employment with respect through Mudra Yojana.
• Our government has guaranteed the progress and welfare of every common man.
• We have guaranteed the country a corruption free and terrorism free India.

Prime Minister Modi said that the National Sickle Cell Anemia Eradication Mission is starting from Madhya Pradesh today. This is a resolution to secure the lives of the tribal brothers and sisters of the country. Madhya Pradesh government deserves congratulations for this campaign. This is a resolution to save 2.5 lakh children and their families. Sickle cell anemia is a very painful disease. It comes from parents to children. This disease is genetic. Half of the world’s cases of this disease are in our country.

Prime Minister Modi said that he and Madhya Pradesh Governor Mangubhai Patel have been working for the last 50 years to eradicate this disease. Detection of this disease is very important. After the test, the person is given a health card. Make sure to get the health card before marriage, so that the disease does not go to the children.

Prime Minister Modi said that our government is working day and night to eliminate all serious diseases. As a result of these efforts, we are working to eradicate TB by the year 2025. There were 11 thousand cases of black fever in the year 2013, which have reduced to less than 1000 today. There were 10,000 cases of malaria in the year 2013, in the year 2022 it has come down to less than 2 lakhs. In the year 2013, there were 1.25 lakh patients of leprosy, which have remained 70-75 thousand. There has also been a significant reduction in the number of patients of encephalitis. He said that if there is less disease then people are free from sorrow, suffering, distress, death is also less. Ayushman Bharat Yojana is very beneficial in this.

Continuous work for the welfare of tribal class
Prime Minister Modi said that our government is continuously working for the welfare of the tribal class. It was decided to celebrate Tribal Pride Day every year on 15th November from the land of Madhya Pradesh on the birth anniversary of Lord Birsa Munda, on this day the whole country celebrates Tribal Pride Day. Tribal museums have been set up in all the states. We constantly remember the sacrifices and contribution of the tribal heroes to the country. Chhindwara University in Madhya Pradesh has been renamed as Shankar Shah University. Patal Pani Railway Station was renamed as Tantya Mama Railway Station. We started events like Aadi Mahotsav. Our President belongs to the tribal class. Language was always a challenge before the tribal youth. In our new education policy, arrangements have been made for education in the local language. There are more than 400 Eklavya schools operating in the country. 24 thousand tribal students of Madhya Pradesh are getting education in these schools. We created the Tribal Ministry and tripled its budget. Gave the rights of water, forest and land to the tribal brothers. PESA Act was implemented effectively.

Rani Durgavati’s 500th birth anniversary will be celebrated across the country
Prime Minister Modi announced that on October 5, the 500th birth anniversary of Rani Durgavati will be celebrated across the country. To remember the heroic story of Rani Durgavati, a film will be made, a silver coin will be issued, a postal stamp will be issued and a house-to-house motivation campaign will be run. Madhya Pradesh will touch the heights of development and together we will fulfill the dream of developed India.

With the blessings of the Prime Minister, M.P. Ganga of development in Madhya Pradesh: Chief Minister Shri Chouhan
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said that with the blessings of Prime Minister Modi, Ganga of development is flowing in Madhya Pradesh. Flights of new dreams are now opening up. Today India’s respect and pride has increased in the whole world. I heartily welcome such a Prime Minister, who has changed the lives of the people of the state and the country, on the land of Madhya Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh is the heart of the country and Prime Minister Modi resides in the heart of Madhya Pradesh. He is the most popular leader of the world.

Chief Minister Chouhan said that the 500th birth anniversary of Veerangana Rani Durgavati will be celebrated throughout the year from October 5. A huge memorial of Rani Durgavati will be built in Jabalpur. Today more than one crore Ayushman cards are being distributed in the state. This is a campaign to change the lives of the people. Our government is providing tap water to every household through the Nal-Jal Mission. Every poor is being given a permanent house. Samman Nidhi is being given to 83 thousand poor farmers of the state. Under the Ladli Bahna Yojana, sisters are being given Rs 1000 per month. The double engine government of the state is continuously working for the development of the state and welfare of the people. Union Minister of State for Steel Faggan Singh Kulaste also addressed in the programme.

Tribute to Veerangana Rani Durgavati
Prime Minister Modi offered flowers to the statue of Veerangana Rani Durgavati at the beginning of the programme. Along with him, Governor Mangubhai Patel, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Chemicals and Fertilizers Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Minister of State Faggan Singh Kulaste also paid floral tributes.

Welcomed in traditional ways
Prime Minister Modi was welcomed by tribal artists with traditional tribal dance, Shaila and Gendi. Governor Mangubhai Patel garlanded Baiga jewellery. Chief Minister Chouhan wore Baiga Pheta and gifted an artwork prepared in Gondi style by folk artist Mrs. Anita Vyam.

Union Minister of State Smt. Bharti Praveen Pawar, Arjun Munda, Smt. Renuka Singh, Bishweshwar Tudu, MP SPS Baghel, Khajuraho MP V.D. Sharma, MP Sampatiya Uike, Betul MP ​​DD Uike, Direct MP Mrs. Reeti Pathak, Shahdol MP Mrs. Himadri Singh, Rajya Sabha MP Sumer Singh Solanki, Health Minister Dr. Prabhuram Chowdhary, Tribal Affairs Minister Ms. Meena Singh, Forest Minister Dr. Vijay Shah , Food and Civil Supplies Minister Bisahulal Singh, Medical Education Minister Vishwas Sarang, Minister of State for Rural Development and in-charge of Shahdol district Ramkhelavan Patel, MLA Jaisingh Maravi, Smt. Manisha Singh, Sharad Kol and thousands of public representatives including local people were present.

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