Banana face pack will make your face glow in a few days

As much as banana is beneficial for health, it is equally beneficial for the skin. Many such elements are found in it, which keep the skin healthy. Potassium, calcium and zinc are found in plenty in it, which cleans the skin cells and brightens the face. Potassium helps in maintaining the flow of both oxygen and blood to the skin cells, which makes the skin glow. Banana is no less than a boon for the skin, applying it mixed with some special things on the face also gets rid of wrinkles. So let’s know how to make banana face pack at home, which will make your skin glow.

Banana and Oats Face Pack

Banana and oats face pack can improve the complexion of the face. To make this face pack, first make powder of oats, mash ripe banana in this powder. Now massage this mixture by applying it on the face with light hands. Wash off after about 10 minutes.

Banana and honey face pack

To make this, first mash a ripe banana, now make a paste by adding one teaspoon of honey to it. Massage it by applying it on the face. Wash off after about 15 minutes.

Banana and milk face pack

You can apply banana and milk face pack to brighten the face. For this, first mash the banana. Add raw milk and rose water to it. Now mix this mixture well and apply it on the face. Wash off after about 15 minutes.

Banana and curd face pack

To get relief from facial wrinkles and spots, you can apply a face pack of banana and milk. To make it, first mash a banana. Now prepare a paste by adding orange juice and curd to it. Apply this mixture on the face. Wash off with lukewarm water after about 20 minutes. This will enhance the face.

STATUTORY WARNING/DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein on health matters is for the information of the readers only. Do not, under any circumstances, consider this as a therapeutic method. Before taking any medications, over-the-counter drugs, supplements or herbs, consult a physician for a thorough evaluation. Malayalam Daily News does not endorse any medications, vitamins or herbs. A qualified physician should make a decision based on each person’s medical history and current prescriptions.

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