Follow these home remedies to control hair fall

To avoid the problem of hair fall, you use many types of expensive products, for some time your hair fall stops. But once you stop using these expensive products, then you can be troubled by the problem of hair fall. In such a situation, you can get relief from the problem of hair fall by using some home remedies.

~ Coconut oil is a boon for hair. By heating it slightly and massaging it on the hair scalp daily, the hair becomes strong and silky. Hair fall problem can be reduced.

~ Applying aloe vera gel in the roots of the hair reduces the problem of hair fall. Also you can get relief from dandruff. Which is the main reason for hair fall.

~ Sulfur is found in abundance in onion juice . By applying it on the scalp, the hair becomes strong and new hair also comes.

~ Protein and biotin are found in egg day , which is essential for hair growth. You can apply egg hair mask to control hair fall.

~ Protein is found in abundance in curd . Hair becomes strong by its use. Along with this, applying it on the scalp also helps in getting rid of dandruff, itching etc.

~ Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and make a paste in the morning and apply it on the hair roots. By doing this for a few weeks, hair fall reduces and hair starts growing.

~ Massaging hair with castor oil daily can reduce the problem of hair fall. Hair growth is faster with this oil.

Courtesy: HealthWatch

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