Learn the right way to do keratin at home

There would hardly be any woman who would not like to have black, strong and shiny hair, but due to increasing pollution, the hair becomes very dull and damaged. In such a situation, to make these hair naturally beautiful, women take many types of hair treatments, keratin is also included in these treatments.

This is such a treatment, by doing which the natural beauty of the hair remains intact. Keratin treatment costs money according to the length of the hair. It starts from 4 thousand only. In such a situation, if you want to get keratin done, but you do not have money, then this article is for you.

What is keratin treatment

When the amount of protein in the hair starts getting over, and because of that the hair starts getting damaged, then women do keratin treatment. In this treatment, a layer of cream is applied on the hair, which is applied well on the hair. After this treatment, ordinary shampoo is not used in the hair. You can also do this treatment at home.

Ingredients for making keratin mask

Yogurt Steamed Rice
Olive Oil
Vitamin E Oil

mask making method

To make a keratin mask, first take a quarter bowl of aloe vera gel. Make a paste by mixing one-fourth bowl of boiled rice, four to five spoons of curd, one vitamin E capsule and one spoon of olive oil in it. This is your mask ready.

use like this

Apply this prepared pack on the hair properly. For this, first of all divide the hair properly into several parts. After this, apply the paste from root to tip. Now wash the hair after 1 hour.

will get this benefit

By applying this mask, your hair fall will also reduce considerably. With this, shine will come in your hair. Using a mask will make your hair look beautiful


STATUTORY WARNING/DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein on health matters is for the information of the readers only. Do not, under any circumstances, consider this as a therapeutic method. Before taking any medications, over-the-counter drugs, supplements or herbs, consult a physician for a thorough evaluation. Malayalam Daily News does not endorse any medications, vitamins or herbs. A qualified physician should make a decision based on each person’s medical history and current prescriptions.

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