life is a cricket match

While explaining cricket, Prantikari Saint Tarunsagarji said that life is a cricket, time is bowling on the huge pitch of the earth. The body is the batsman, Dharamraj is the umpire on this event of God. Diseases are fielding, wicketkeeper is Yamraj, life is our wicket, life is a cricket. In this day-night match, we have to show creativity and score creative runs in limited overs. Falling of balls means loss of breath, LBW means heart attack. The one who dies in an accident is called run out and the one who gets martyred at the boundary is called caught out. Suicide means hit wicket and murder means getting stumped.   

Sometimes some aggressive players return to the pavilion early, but play innings in such a way that records are made, everyone has their own run rate, life is a cricket. Ask a guest coming to your house for food, if you can’t ask for food then ask for water, if you can’t ask for water then give him a seat to sit. If you can’t even provide a seat to sit, say a few sweet words. If you can’t speak a few sweet words or even smile, then drown yourself in a little water. He expressed the above inspiring thoughts in the sermon series. Whether you have a mobile in your hands or not, there should be a smile on your face in all circumstances. Man not from smart mobile, Made with a smile. Laughing is a virtue and making others laugh is a supreme virtue. When you laugh you worship God. When you make someone who is crying laugh, God worships you. There is no need to cry in front of the world. When smiling for five seconds can make a photo look good, then why can’t smiling throughout the life make life better?   

Politicians change parties, change banners, speech changes, caps change, but the skull beneath the cap does not change. I say change the skull, not the hat. You are unaware of yourself, use your eyes along with your ears. Someone has said that he is very good at heart, but has bad ears. Man believes what he hears and years of friendship turn into enmity. It is necessary to put zero before making STD call. Similarly, before going to a Guru, it is necessary for the mind to be empty. Only when the mind is empty will you be able to fill something. Once the worm of doubt enters the mind, there is no cure for it.  

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