How to please ancestors during Pitru Paksha

Pitru Paksha begins after the conclusion of Ganesh Utsav and Anant Chaturdashi. During Pitru Paksha, descendants perform Shraddha for the peace of the souls of their ancestors. This year Pitru Paksha will start on 29 September 2023 and end on 14 October 2023.

Pitru Paksha starts from the full moon day of Bhadrapada month and continues till the new moon day of Ashwin month. During these 16 days of Pitru Paksha, Pind Daan, Tarpan and Shraddha are performed according to the date of the deceased ancestors. There is also a tradition of offering water during Pitru Paksha, which is considered important. But it is important to keep some things in mind while offering water to the ancestors. So know when and how water is offered to ancestors during Pitru Paksha.

Importance of sesame and kush in giving water to ancestors.
Kush and sesame seeds are considered important in the water offered to ancestors during Pitru Paksha. Without this this rule is incomplete. In Hindu religion, Kush is considered a symbol of Lord Vishnu and Lord Vishnu resides in the pond. It is believed that when you offer Kush to your ancestors, by the grace of Lord Vishnu the ancestors attain salvation. Apart from this, ancestors are also pleased with you and bless you.

In this way, water is offered to the ancestors.
Pitru Paksha includes the father as well as the mother and such elders or members of the family who have made significant contributions to our life, lineage and development of the family. There is a special tradition of offering water to ancestors. In this, water is given by placing Kush in the toe. Tarpan or reverence is offered to the ancestors by applying Kush on the thumb of the palm. The belief behind this is that this part is called Pitru Tirtha and offering water to the ancestors with the thumb brings peace to their souls.

Mantras for offering water to the ancestors:
During Pitru Paksha, while offering water to the ancestors, one should meditate and say that the ancestors should be satisfied by taking the water in the form of my father or Vasu. While giving water, one must take the name of Gotra Asmatpitamaha (grandfather’s name) Vasurupat Tripatyamidam Tilodakam Ganga Jalam Va Tasmai Swadha Namah, Tasmai Swadha Namah, Tasmai Swadha Namah along with one’s Gotra. Offer water three times while chanting this mantra.

Method of offering water to ancestors:
Before offering water, sit facing the south direction with the necessary materials. Then, take water, kush, akshat, flowers and black sesame seeds in your hands, join hands and meditate on the ancestors and invite them to take water. After this offer water to the ancestors. While giving water to ancestors, drop water on the ground 5-7 or 11 times with devotion. Keep in mind that while giving water during Pitru Paksha, one should control one’s mind, actions and speech.

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