Do not keep scary pictures and objects in the bedroom

Bedroom is the place in your house where you forget the tiredness of the day and get refreshed. But many objects should not be near the head at night. Otherwise your nights will also become scary with sleep disturbance.

Purse or Money: It is often seen that due to laziness, people sleep keeping their purse under the pillow. Many times people bury money under their pillow if not their purse. According to Vaastu, by doing this one remains worried about money all the time and cannot sleep even at night.

Scary things

There should not be any scary photos or objects in the bedroom. Due to this, you may have scary dreams at night. Even do not keep any kind of weapon in the bedroom. This increases negative energy and there is also a possibility of an accident.

books or novels

It has often been seen that people read a book before sleeping at night and then keep it near the pillow and sleep. By doing this the mind remains restless and distracted and one cannot get deep sleep. After reading the book, keep it in its place.

Electronic items:

Never keep electronic items like mobile, iPad or iPhone etc. gadgets or any kind of noisy toys or anything similar in your sleeping place.

Do not keep shoes, slippers and other junk near or under your bed even by mistake. Otherwise negative energy will come which will disturb your sleep. It has been seen many times that people keep collecting day-old newspapers in their bedrooms. Don’t do this even by mistake.

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