Global Indian Council extends a Helping Hand to Differently Abled Children through

Good-hearted Malayalees willing to sponsor children with Prof. Gopinath Muthukad

Dallas: At a banquet organized by the Global Charity Center of the Global Indian Council, the Global Indian Council is recognized in the minds of the American Malayalees, by naming twenty generous people to sponsor the children of the Different Art Center run by Prof. Gopinath Mutukad at Thiruvananthapuram from 6 months to one year.

Global President P.C. Mathew said that movements that are not serving the needy people will not last for long, and while many diaspora organizations are limited to paper, they remain for namesake only. Global Indian Council is setting an example for others. Global General Secretary Sudhir Nambiar, India Press Club Ex-President Sunny Maliekal, City of Kopal Mayor Pro Tem Biju Mathew, Program Coordinator Varghese Kayyalakkam (DFW Chapter Good Will Ambassador) and Kerala Association President Haridas Thankappan extended their support to the program. Prof. Gopinath Muthukad said that even they do not know that the Global Indian Council holds their differently-abled children close to their hearts, and that he is willing to work as an ambassador of the Global Indian Council. Approval in this regard is announced by Global Cabinet President P. C. Mathew, Global General Secretary Sudhir Nambiar, Treasurer Dr. Tara Shajan, Associate Treasurer Tom George Koleth, Media Chair Dr. Mathew Joys, Associate Secretary Adv. Yamini Rajesh  through a joint statement.

GIC. Global Vice President Prof. Joy Pallatumadom, Global Goodwill Ambassador Dr. Jija Madhavan Hari Singh I. P. S, Advocates Susan Mathew and Seema Balasubramaniam GIC Australia, all support the charity activities. Dallas Chapter President Jaycee George, Global Charity Center of Excellence leaders Dr. Amir Altaf, Shashi Nair, Mathews Abraham, Father Chakochan, Elizabeth Redr, etc. announced that they will continue to support  Mutukad’s humanitarian projects.

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