Repentance is the basis of freedom from the consequences of karma

It is true that the person who was subjected to incest cannot now make out that the incident did not happen. It is possible that the person may have gone somewhere else. In such a situation, it is not possible to compensate the same injured person in the same way. But another path is open. Every person is a part of the society. 

The harm caused to an individual is actually a harm to the society itself. The amount of damage we have caused to that person through our misdeeds will be compensated only if we benefit the society by doing good deeds of equal weight. Only when the balance of loss and profit becomes equal to the society, it will be said that the sin has been atoned for and a situation has been created to get rid of self-guilt and self-torture.  

It is completely impossible to get rid of the consequences of sins by performing cheap rituals. Through self-study, satsang, katha, kirtan, pilgrimage, fasting etc., it is understood that the purity of mind increases and the sinful tendencies are curbed in the future. The significance of the destruction of sins through religious activities as mentioned in the scriptures, means only that by purifying the mind, the possibility of committing sins in the future will be destroyed. There is a similar provision in God’s strict justice system that those who want to be saved from dying in the fire of the consequences of sin should engage in the service of increasing the excellence of the society and get rid of the burden and attain a state of peace and purity.  

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