Make kitchen according to Vaastu Shastra

Three important needs in life are food, clothing and shelter. The kitchen is the most important part of a residential house. Fire i.e. energy resides in this direction. With the help of this energy we all decide our life journey till death. Therefore, you can understand the importance of this place. It is said that the kitchen affects both a person’s health and wealth. Therefore, the kitchen should be made according to Vastu Shastra.

Many times it has been seen that the kitchen in the house is designed according to the housewife, yet she is not happy just by cooking in the kitchen or after cooking, there is no benefit in it but it decreases. The main reason for this is that the kitchen is not according to Vaastu i.e. there is Vaastu defect. In such a situation, you can remove its defects by taking some measures.

Kitchen, according to Vastu Shastra, should be in the southeast i.e. south-east direction. The lord of this direction is Agni (fire) and the ruling planet of this direction is Venus. Since fire resides in the southeast corner, this direction has been determined for the kitchen and all fire work. If your kitchen is in this place then the flow of positive energy reaches all the members of the house. Although no other direction can replace this direction, still if for some reason you cannot make the kitchen in the southeast angle/direction, then you can choose the northwest direction as an alternative.

It is not auspicious to have a kitchen in the north-east corner of the house. This condition of the kitchen is not auspicious for the family members also. Having a kitchen in this place can cause the following problems. The housewife has to face lack of interest in cooking, poor health of the family members, loss of money, stoppage of offspring growth, less number of sons and mental stress etc. Building a kitchen in this direction leads to wastage (unnecessary expenditure) and accidents, hence one should not build a kitchen in this direction even by mistake. Kitchen in the North: North direction is inauspicious for the kitchen. The kitchen at this place causes financial loss.

The main reason for this is that the north direction is the place of Kubera, the lord of wealth. Since there is a kitchen here, fire is capable of burning the money, hence a kitchen should not be built here. Kitchen in north-west corner. As an alternative to the north-west direction, kitchen in the north-west corner can be selected but the fear of fire may remain. Therefore there is a need to be cautious. Kitchen in the west direction Due to the kitchen being in the west direction, there are troubles in the house every day without any reason. Along with this, problems also arise from the children’s side. Kitchen in the South-West: Kitchen in this direction gives very inauspicious results. Building a kitchen in the south-west corner increases financial losses and minor problems in the house. Not only this, any member of the family or housewife may also become a victim of physical or mental illness. Daydreaming increases and due to this the possibility of domestic troubles and accidents also increases.

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