No-confidence letter filed against Rishi Sunak

London:  Amid political turmoil in Britain, a letter of no confidence has been filed against PM Rishi Sunak. Sunak’s own party MP Andrea Jenkins wrote in the letter that enough is enough. The leader of our party is a person who was rejected by the members. Now it has been proved in the polls that the public also does not like Sunak. Now is the time for Sunak to go.

In fact, on Monday, Sunak had removed Home Minister Suella Braverman from the post, due to which some leaders of his party are angry. Andrea further said- First Sunak forced Boris Johnson to step down. Now the only leader in the cabinet who had the ability to speak on the poor condition of the roads and the double standards of the police has also been removed.

If 15 percent of MPs submit a no-confidence letter against Rishi Sunak, it will turn into a no-confidence motion. About 50 MPs supported Sunak in removing Suela from the post of minister. However, according to reports, he had also received many such letters in which an appeal was made not to fire Suella. Sunak removed Suella from the post on Monday evening and replaced her with Foreign Minister James Cleverley as Home Minister. After this he declared former David Cameron as the Foreign Minister of Britain. Actually, Indian-origin Suella Braverman had recently given many controversial statements.

For several days, demands were being raised from within Sunak’s party that Suella’s rhetoric was against Britain’s Middle East policy and she was trying to suppress freedom of expression. Apart from Home and Foreign Minister, changes were also made in some posts on Monday. After these changes, Sunak had tweeted and said – We have created a team that will be able to meet the needs of the country for a long time. This team will bring the change we need. Together we will take decisions in the interest of the country. Let us tell you that within the last one year, 3 Prime Ministers have changed in Britain.

Boris Johnson resigned from the post in September 2022. He was accused of many scams including partying amid Corona restrictions and misleading the Parliament. After him Liz Truss became the PM of Britain. However, Truss’s government lasted only 50 days and her government fell in October after losing the confidence of the party. After this Rishi Sunak was elected the next PM of Britain.

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