To get rid of blackheads, include these household items in your skin care routine

Any kind of blemish or blemish on the face reduces the beauty of the face. Be it in the form of pimples or blackheads. The beauty of the face gets lost somewhere behind them.

Blackheads often accumulate in certain parts of our face. In such a situation, a lot of effort has to be made to remove them. Many times it happens that no matter how much you scrub or exfoliate the skin, the stubborn blackheads on many parts of it do not go away and appear unsightly. For this we have to take the help of tools, which causes a lot of pain, yet these stubborn blackheads do not come out properly. Let us know why blackheads occur and ways to get relief from it.

Why do blackheads occur?

Our skin accumulates external dirt every day, due to which the pores of our skin get clogged and then blackheads, pimples and whiteheads occur. 

Home remedies to get rid of blackheads

take steam

If you want to get rid of blackheads, take steam with hot water. By doing this, all the toxic elements are removed from the pores of our skin and the skin gets hydrated from within. Due to which blackheads also start disappearing in a few days.

Lemon, Salt and Honey

Prepare a scrub by mixing salt and honey in lemon juice and apply it on the areas with blackheads on your face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. After this wash with lukewarm water. Do this at least twice a week. You will not have the problem of blackheads.

egg and honey

Mix a little honey in egg white and apply it on the area with blackheads and after it dries, wipe it clean with a cotton cloth. This will also remove your blackheads easily.

Lemon Juice and Baking Soda

Mix a little lemon juice in baking soda powder and apply it on the area with blackheads on the face and rub it gently after it dries after 20 minutes. Blackheads will be removed easily. Don’t forget to apply moisturizer immediately after cleaning your face.

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