Tooth Removal Trends Spark Health Concerns: World Implant Expo Urges Thoughtful Dental Choices

Kochi: Dr Shoukath Ali BDS, MSc, renowned implantologist and ortho dentist cautioned against increasing trend of removing teeth for cosmetic reasons without proper examination and adherence to protocols during at the conference of World Implant Expo in Kochi.

Highlighting the health risk Dr Shoukath Ali emphasized significance of maintaining natural dentition up to the maximum by making of all advancement of modern dentistry. Any teeth which are removed because of irreplaceable damage must be restored, if possible, by fixed methods like dental implants. Efficiency of a removable denture is only 15% of natural dentition in chewing food. That means 85% of unchewed food is moving to the stomach. As the saying goes “there are no teeth in the stomach”. Chewing has to be taken place in the mouth to ease the digestion. It is very common to see that people without teeth are on some kind of medicine for stomach issues on a regular basis.

Tooth extraction for orthodontics purposes also sometime goes wrong with inadequate diagnosis and treatment planning. So, it is always wise to go for a second opinion if your done this suggest you to remove teeth for aligning teeth. Orthodontists are specialist to decide this with the help of X-rays and model analysis. Extraction for the ‘SPACE’ was old mantra and now it is changed to ‘extraction for the FACE’. If your tooth removal destroys your soft tissue profile and flatten the face it is better not to do that.

Discussing advancements in dental technology, Dr. Shoukath Ali highlighted ongoing research in creating teeth from human cells, potentially revolutionizing dental care if successful.

On the second day of the World Implant Expo, renowned implantologists, including Udatta Kher, Neel Bhatavadekar, Yazad Gandhi, Segin Chandran, Varun Acharya, Johnson Raja James, Rahul Kakodkar, PC Jacob, Sankalp Mittal, Ashwini Padhye, Irfan Kachwala, Mike Calderon, and others, led informative sessions.

 (Dr. Shoukath Ali, a native of Kozhikode Thamarassery, is a BDS, MSc graduate. He is an expert in implantologist and orthodontist after working in Kozhikode for four years and has been working in this field for twenty years in Dubai and Sharjah)

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