Use milk cream for chapped lips in winter

Cold winds have started knocking. In such a situation, right from our skin to our entire body gets affected by them and then many problems like allergy, dryness of skin etc. start troubling us. In winter, along with our skin, our lips also start looking dry and lifeless. In such a situation, our lips, which are the softest part of the body, become very dry in this season and hence it needs extra care.

Some easy ways to keep lips soft and smooth with cream

The abundant amount of lactic acid found in milk eliminates all types of problems of face and lips. Not only this, milk or cream both work as good and natural moisturizer for your skin. Due to which one can get rid of all the problems like fine lines, wrinkles, dryness, dullness etc. of the skin.

Cream, rose water and honey: Applying cream mixed with a little rose water and honey always keeps the natural moisture of the lips intact. If you are troubled by dry lips, then applying this for two to three days brings back moisture.

Raw turmeric and cream:  Before sleeping at night, mix cream with raw turmeric paste and apply it on the lips and wash it off in the morning. By doing this, your lips will get hydrated from within and get nourishment in a natural way and will become soft and supple.

Cinnamon powder and cream:  Mixing a little cinnamon powder in cream and applying it on your lips will make your lips look soft.

Beetroot juice and cream:  Mix cream in beetroot juice, apply it every night before sleeping and wash it with normal water in the morning. This will give a glossy look to your lips.

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