Do not drink water immediately after eating, otherwise this problem will occur!

Drinking Water: Both food and water are very important for our body. Life cannot be imagined without water. Drinking water along with food can prove to be very dangerous for our health. According to health experts, one should not drink water during or immediately after eating. In such a situation, the question arises that when should we drink water and how much should we drink? If we believe in Ayurveda, we should drink water when the body needs it. Even if you feel thirsty while eating or immediately after eating. But do you know that people like to drink water only while eating.

Today we will try to understand according to Ayurveda why one should not drink water before, during or immediately after eating.

Why should you not drink water before eating?

Western countries believe that drinking water before eating provides relief from gas and weight problems. At the same time, Ayurveda completely denies this. When you drink water before eating, it dilutes the gastric fluid in your stomach which helps digest food and convert it into energy. When we drink water before meals, this process slows down. That’s why Ayurveda says that one should not drink water a few hours before eating.

Why should you not drink water after eating?

According to Ayurveda, drinking water immediately after eating affects the digestion process. Because drinking water immediately after eating affects the food reaching our stomach. Drinking water immediately after eating can increase obesity. Therefore, in Ayurveda, drinking water immediately after meals is avoided. Drinking water after about half an hour of eating is good for health.

According to Ayurveda, one should not drink water while eating food. Especially cold water because cold water affects the digestion process which can cause hiatus hernia or acid reflux. Try not to consume liquids containing caffeine while eating. After eating, it is better to drink water at room temperature only.

Drinking water before, during or immediately after eating food not only causes digestive problems but can also cause blood sugar to increase rapidly. Therefore, try to drink water at least half an hour after eating.

Disclaimer: The information given here is based on information available on the internet and general assumptions. We do not confirm whether the information given in this news is correct or incorrect. 

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