Not only the benefits but also these are the 6 disadvantages of eating garlic

Side Effect Of Garlic: Garlic has been used in Indian kitchens for centuries. Garlic not only enhances the taste of our food but is also used as a home remedy. According to Ayurveda, garlic is used to cure many diseases. Garlic may be delicious to eat or beneficial for health, but it also has its own disadvantages.

Many such reports have come out in which it has been said that if you use garlic excessively then it can cause many health related problems. In such a situation, let us know how much garlic is beneficial to eat daily and what are its disadvantages of eating too much.


According to Ayurveda, garlic has a hot nature. This is the reason why eating garlic in large quantities may cause you to face digestive problems. Due to this, you may also have to face the problems of constipation, gas and bloating.

blood pressure

People who often have low blood pressure should not eat raw garlic at all. If you have been eating it daily for a long time, then there is a fear of it reducing blood pressure. Due to this you may have problem of dizziness.


Eating too much raw garlic makes our blood thin. Such elements are found in garlic, which thin the blood. If you are taking medicines which affect your blood cells, then not eating raw garlic would be a better option.

heart burn

As garlic is hot in nature and eating it can also increase the problems of acidity in the stomach. Apart from this, people who already have problems with gas and bloating should not eat garlic. Due to this, heart burn can also occur.

how much garlic to eat

Eating one or two cloves of garlic daily is beneficial for health. If you eat more than this then garlic can prove harmful for your health.


STATUTORY WARNING/DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein on health matters is for the information of the readers only. Do not, under any circumstances, consider this as a therapeutic method. Before taking any medications, over-the-counter drugs, supplements or herbs, consult a physician for a thorough evaluation. Malayalam Daily News does not endorse any medications, vitamins or herbs. A qualified physician should make a decision based on each person’s medical history and current prescriptions.

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