DAC begins project towards empowering the differently-abled to find employment

Thiruvananthapuram:  The Thiruvananthapuram-based Different Art Centre (DAC) has initiated a new employment empowerment project for the differently-abled children at its campus. The project, named IMAGE (Initiative for Mentoring Amiable Graphics and Editing), got kickstarted on Friday with a graphic design and video editing training programme, in collaboration with Toonz Academy.

The project is being implemented with the aim of enabling the differently abled to start their own enterprises, thereby opening new avenues towards ensuring income and becoming self-sufficient. The project also aims at ensuring employment opportunities for those who successfully complete the training.

Information Technology Secretary Dr. Ratan U. Kelkar IAS, who inaugurated the training programme at a function held at Different Art Centre, said the government is providing all kinds of incentives to startupsfor the differently-abled. He termed IMAGE as an innovative training scheme that would prove of help to the differently-abled in their quest towards finding employment opportunities.

In the first phase, around 20 differently-abled people are being trained at the DAC. Expert faculties from Toonz Academy led the training programme. Toonz Academy Vice President Vinod AS, Centre Team Head Ajit Kumar C, Faculty Member Shemin, Different Art Centre Executive Director Gopinath Muthukad, Intervention Director Dr. Anil Nair, Manager Sunilraj CK and others participated.

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