Nobody Knew Mahatma Gandhi Before Gandhi cinema Came Out: Narendra Modi

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that no one would have known Gandhiji, the father of the nation, after the British rule. It took a director named British filmmaker Richard Attenborough to introduce the rare personality of Mahatma Gandhi to the world. In an interview to a television channel, Modi said that his 1982 Oscar-winning film Gandhi introduced him (Gandhiji) to the world.

He criticized the previous Congress governments for not properly introducing Gandhiji to the world. Mahatma Gandhi was a great man. Modi also asked if we did not have the responsibility to mark him globally in 75 years.

In 1982, when Gandhi’s film was released, the world wondered who he was. We did nothing to introduce him to the world. The world knows Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. Gandhiji is no less than them. Everyone should accept that. What he learned from his travels around the world is that the world should know India through Gandhiji.

Everyone knows Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. We should take steps to make Gandhiji like that too. Modi pointed out that Gandhiji is the solution to many problems of our country .

Mahatma Gandhi aka Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi was a powerful political leader. World history has marked him with non-violence and peace. He is also a person who gave decisive leadership to the Indian freedom struggle. It should also be noted that Gandhi did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Modi also said that he was recommended for the Nobel Prize five times between 1937 and 1948.

At the same time, Congress leader Supriya Sreenat came to the scene criticizing the Prime Minister. She noted that it is unfortunate that we have elected such a prime minister. She also noted in X that everyone in the world recognizes Indians as Gandhiji’s natives.

‘Gandhi was the guide of Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. They got the energy to fight against Varnaveri from Gandhiji. Gandhiji is an inspiration not only to our country but also to the whole world. Gandhiji is a personality who stood firm like a rock between right and wrong, between justice and injustice, between violence and peace, between bravery and cowardice. But you who are admirers of people like Nathuram Vinayak Godse will not understand him or his greatness,” she added.

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