Foreign students will automatically be entitled to a green card after graduating from American colleges: Trump

Washington:  Former US President Donald Trump has promised that if he is re-elected, foreign students will automatically be entitled to a green card after graduating from American colleges. He said that this will ensure that the talents of countries like India and China will not have to return home after getting their degrees.

America needs capable people

Trump said that America needs capable people to move ahead. They need to be stopped in America, not sent out of the country. Trump has tried to woo immigrants by softening his stance on them before the US presidential election in November this year.

Indians will benefit

There is a large number of Indians in America. Therefore, they will get more benefits from the Green Card. Green Card is a document of permanent residence in America. Former President Trump is known for his tough stand against illegal immigrants entering from the Mexican border.

However, Trump has always been a supporter of a merit-based immigration system.

You will get a green card upon graduation

Trump said during the All In podcast on Thursday that a foreign student should be able to get a green card as soon as he graduates from college, including junior colleges. Three of the four funders who organized the podcast were immigrants.

On the other hand, Trump’s election campaign has said that this is the first time that Trump has overtaken President Joe Biden in terms of raising cash for the elections.

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