Avoid beauty products containing chemicals, brighten your face with cocoa powder and milk

You will be surprised to know that cocoa powder and milk brighten the face, its glow is like that of beauty products, the only difference is that cocoa powder and milk are free of chemicals and do not harm the face. That is why remember that even if you buy beauty products of the best brands, to some extent it will contain chemicals which are not good for your face and your screen. Now you can use cocoa powder at home to make cake, coffee, chocolate etc. as well as to brighten the face. Today we are telling you the benefits and disadvantages of cocoa powder.

Increases blood circulation of the face

Cocoa powder contains a large amount of flavonoids. These are antioxidants. It is believed that applying it on the face increases blood circulation. Not only this, it removes dead cells, which brings glow to the face and reduces dullness of the face.

Wrinkles appear late

Cocoa powder delays the appearance of wrinkles and is also considered anti-aging. Cocoa powder contains magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and omega 6 fatty acids. All these antioxidants clean the dirt accumulated on your skin and your face starts glowing.

Make a face pack by mixing it with milk

To make a face pack of cocoa powder, take the powder in a bowl and add raw milk to it. You can apply raw cow or buffalo milk on your face as a face pack or you can also mix it in any face pack. You can also add vitamin E capsule to it. Milk cleans your face deeply and your face starts shining like milk. If you too have tanning on your face, then you can make a paste by mixing gram flour, turmeric and cocoa powder in curd to remove tanning. If your skin is dry, then add coconut oil or olive oil to it. Then apply it on your face or tanned area. After waiting for 15 minutes, your tanning will reduce considerably. This face pack is becoming famous in today’s time. Cocoa powder is also a good combination with fruits. If the banana is ripe, then add cocoa powder to it and apply it as a face pack. Wash it after some time. In summer season, you can also do face massage by freezing ice cubes of cocoa powder. This will keep your face glowing even in summers. So avoid chemical-based beauty products in these summers and keep your skin safe by using natural products.


STATUTORY WARNING/DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein on health matters is for the information of the readers only. Do not, under any circumstances, consider this as a therapeutic method. Before taking any medications, over-the-counter drugs, supplements or herbs, consult a physician for a thorough evaluation. Malayalam Daily News does not endorse any medications, vitamins or herbs. A qualified physician should make a decision based on each person’s medical history and current prescriptions.

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