Why 834,000 Indians dropped Indian citizenship in last five years? How many moved to Pakistan?

New Delhi: The trend of Indians renouncing their citizenship to settle abroad has grown significantly in recent years. Factors such as better job prospects, improved quality of life, and superior education options are driving this shift. Over the past five years, 834,000 Indians have given up their citizenship to acquire that of other countries. But which destination is the most favored among them? Let’s dive into the data.

The number of Indians leaving their homeland has surged steadily over the last decade. Between 2011 and 2019, an average of 132,000 Indians renounced their citizenship each year. However, this number has escalated rapidly post-COVID-19. Between 2020 and 2023, around 200,000 Indians have been giving up their citizenship annually. In 2023 alone, 216,219 Indians chose to relinquish their Indian citizenship—a significant increase from previous years.

America tops the list

So, which country are these Indians favoring the most? The answer is the United States. Of the 834,000 Indians who renounced their citizenship over the last five years, the majority have opted to settle in the US. Canada, Australia, the UK, and Germany are also popular choices. According to government data, 216,219 Indians gave up their citizenship in 2023, with the US being the preferred destination, followed closely by Canada, Australia, the UK, and Germany. These figures underscore the growing allure of settling abroad for better opportunities and quality of life.

Interestingly, some Indians have also chosen less conventional destinations like Pakistan, Nepal, and Kenya. In recent years, 70 Indians took Pakistani citizenship, 130 opted for Nepal, and 1,500 for Kenya. This migration trend highlights the global impact of Indians in fields such as education, technology, and business. The increasing Indian presence in key countries like the US is a testament to their pursuit of better education, career opportunities, and an improved lifestyle. Indians continue to carve out new identities and futures abroad, driven by these aspirations.

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