Build kitchen and toilet according to Vastu Shastra

Always keep Vastu in mind while constructing your house because if this is not done then we will not get peace and happiness in the house and the chances of success will also start decreasing.

In ancient times, Vastu Shastra was taken care of. Vastu Shastra studies every shortcoming of construction. Just as every right decision during building construction can benefit you, similarly wrong construction can also cause harm. According to experts of Vastu Shastra, there are some things related to the construction of kitchen and toilet, by taking care of which we can not only reduce or eliminate the negative effect of Vastu Dosh but also increase the effect of positive energy. The element of Agni Kon [South-East] is fire and fire is extremely opposed to water. That is why the kitchen should be in the Agni Kon.

Cooking and toilet are both opposite things. Therefore, having a bathroom or toilet in the Agni Kon comes under the category of serious Vastu Dosh. In such a situation, it is necessary to take special care of this while constructing the house.

While bathing, if our face is towards east or north, then it is considered beneficial. Therefore, while constructing a bathroom, it will be beneficial to install the tap accordingly.

While defecating, our mouth should be towards north or south, therefore the latrine seat should be placed facing north or south. This controls negative energy.

It is beneficial to place the wash basin on the north or east wall in the bathroom.

The geyser in the toilet should be placed in the Agni angle. Similarly, the mirror in the bathroom should be placed on the north or east wall.

If your toilet is built in the right direction but is not clean, then it is considered more faulty. Therefore, keep the toilet especially clean.

The bath tub in the toilet should be placed in the south-west corner of the toilet. Dirty clothes inside the toilet should be kept in the north-west corner.

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