After MiG 29, now Israeli drone deployed on China-Pakistan border

After the deployment of MiG 29 in Srinagar, India has deployed Israeli drones in the northern region to deal with China and Pakistan. This drone named Heron Mark-2 is not only capable of firing missiles at the enemies but simultaneously it can fly for 36 hours. This drone made by Israel Aerospace Industries can carry out multiple missions in a single flight. The biggest thing is that this drone can be used even at zero temperature. This is the same drone that killed Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Wing Commander Pankaj Rana, CO, Drone Squadron said that the Heron Mark-2 from Israel is capable of precise operations. The biggest thing is that it can stay in the sky for a long time. Any area can be continuously monitored from a height of 35 thousand feet. This drone is also equipped with satellite information system. Long range missiles can also be launched through them. It has anti jamming technology so it cannot be jammed. It is also fitted with a thermographic camera and airborne surveillance visible light.

Squadron Leader Arpit Tandon told that these drones coming to India from Israel become very deadly when combined with fighter jets. That too so much that it is not only difficult but impossible for the enemy to escape. These drones fly with fighter jets and mark the enemy with laser beam and then the fighter jets take it to the target and blow it up. This drone can fly at a speed of 277 kilometers per hour.

Predator Drone coming from America
The Predator drone which America used to kill terrorists like Osama Bin Laden is now going to give the same drone to India. It is not only the most advanced but also very lethal. The Indian Armed Forces will get 31 drones. Out of this, 15 drones will be with the Indian Navy and the remaining eight drones will be given to the Indian Air Force and the Indian Army. Apart from this, 70 Heron drones are also being upgraded.

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