Know about compact and loose powder

In today’s time, women like to do makeup to make their look even more beautiful. But it is more important than doing makeup to do it properly. Generally, women use many types of makeup products while doing makeup.

Compact Powder:   Compact powder provides coverage to your skin. It helps you hide imperfections and makes your skin tone more beautiful. After applying compact powder, it gives a flawless look to your skin. Generally, compacts are available in different types in the market according to your skin type and hence before applying the compact you must check whether it suits your skin type or not. If it does not suit your skin type, it will not blend well on the face and give a smooth finish and this will make your compact powder cakey. 

Loose Powder:   Loose powder, also known as translucent powder or setting powder, is actually a makeup product in powder form. It is usually applied over foundation. Loose powder mainly absorbs oil and makes the makeup long lasting. Not only this, even when you do not want to do heavy makeup, you can apply it over moisturizer. It removes face oil and shiny effect due to your moisturizer. Mainly loose powder helps in giving a matte texture to your face.

There are several differences between loose powder and compact powder

While loose powder absorbs oil, compact powder blends with face oil.

Generally, loose powder is considered good for oily skin, whereas if your skin is dry then compact powder is used for you.

Loose powder is always applied with the help of a makeup brush, whereas with compact you get a separate sponge. With the help of this sponge the compact is applied on the face.

Whereas in compact powder, you get many different shades, which you can select according to the shade of your skin. Whereas with loose powder you do not get such an option.

While compact powders are applied to give a final touch after creating a makeup base, loose powders help in setting your makeup base.

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