China is ruining itself in the name of helping Pakistan

Beijing: China’s economy is continuously going into decline. China, once called the factory of the world, is in trouble. Jobs are disappearing in China, the country’s population is aging. The debt burden on Chinese companies is increasing. And the real estate business is coming to a standstill. Due to the interference of the Chinese government in business, foreign companies have also started turning away from China. The eyes of the whole world are fixed on this situation in China. Even though China is not opening its cards, its deteriorating condition is now visible. The latest export figures have further increased the difficulty.

China’s economy is already in bad shape. On top of that, the export figures have further increased China’s problems. The decreasing craze for Chinese goods in the world has further increased his difficulties. If we look at the export figures, China’s exports have declined for the fifth consecutive time in September. The decline in China’s exports in the month of September is increasing the problems of the Chinese government. In September, exports declined for the fifth consecutive month by 6.2 percent to US $ 229.13 billion. China’s exports have declined due to weak global demand.

China’s economy has been in decline since Corona and strict lockdown. Since Corona, China’s economy and industry are in an unstable state. Not only this, due to the ongoing decline in real estate, other industries are also under pressure. China’s economy is continuously declining due to the ongoing decline in sales and increasing debt on companies. According to economic experts, China’s economy is gradually moving towards a serious recession. However, the government there is considering relief packages to handle the falling economy. China’s real estate is under great pressure. Home sales have declined and developers are struggling to repay huge loans to banks. People’s purchasing power is falling so much that despite huge discounts and rebates, home sales in China have come to a standstill. Chinese banks have also cut interest rates for first-time home buyers.

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