Do you know what happens if you put 2 cardamoms under your pillow before sleeping?

The most important thing in our life is our health. To achieve balanced health we resort to strict diet and rigorous exercise. But do you know that a simple thing related to these can bring you health and good fortune?

To maintain your health, you should exercise, stay hydrated, take your medications on time, get plenty of rest, follow a healthy diet, and talk to a professional.

Apart from this this should also be done. Keep some things under your pillow before sleeping to have a life full of health and luck.


The coin is associated with good financial condition and health. It should be kept on the east side of the pillow before sleeping. It will attract good luck and opportunities into your life.


If you are constantly having nightmares due to stress, one trick is to keep metal knives under your pillow so you can enjoy mental peace. To protect yourself, you can cover the knife in a cloth with the sharp side facing up and sleep under your pillow.

Fragrant flowers

We often see people lighting scented candles and incense sticks to create a pleasant and calm atmosphere. It promotes relaxation and peace of mind.

Similarly, you can also keep fragrant flowers under your pillow before sleeping. This will help in calming your emotions and improving happiness in your married life.


According to Vastu Shastra, keeping cardamom or green chilli under the pillow invokes the angel of sleep. This will help you feel relaxed and relieve your mind from stress. It also brings good luck.

Water in a glass

You can keep water in a copper vessel near your pillow before sleeping. You can place it on your nightstand or on the floor. It is believed to promote good health. Additionally, if you wake up thirsty at night, you can drink water and go back to sleep.


In Vastu Shastra, fennel is related to correcting Rahu Dosh. This will help you get rid of the stress that disturbs your health and mental peace.


Vastu experts recommend keeping garlic under your pillow before sleeping. It attracts positive energy and promotes restful sleep. If you don’t like its smell, you can keep the garlic in a container.

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