Prepare potato pillow as a quick snack for children at home

If you have children in your house, then you must be well aware of how fussy children are when it comes to food. Feeding simple home-cooked food to children is a very difficult task. If we talk about fast food, every child eats it wholeheartedly. Children like fast food recipes very much. From small to big children, dishes made from potatoes are eaten to their heart’s content. Be it potato fries or potato nuggets.

Due to this, today we are going to tell you about a dish made from potatoes, which your child will not only eat comfortably but you can also serve it in front of your guests. We are talking about potato pillows. You will also need more materials to make this. It is also quite easy to make. 


Two-three medium sized potatoes,
one bowl of flour
half teaspoon black pepper powder
salt as per taste 

Method –

First of all, boil the potatoes and peel them clearly. After peeling, mash it well. Mash the potatoes in such a way that there are no lumps left in it. Now add salt and black pepper to it. After adding flour, knead it well. Prepare a perfect dough from it. 

Keep the dough aside for half an hour. After this, make small balls out of it and shape them into biscuits with your hands. You can shape it as per your wish. 

When it is ready, heat oil in a pan and fry it. Fry it well until it turns golden. Your potato pillows are ready. Serve it hot with sauce and chutney. 

Courtesy: SpiceBox

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