Statement from Sheikh Abubakr Ahmad, Grand Mufti of India

“I am deeply concerned about the recent implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act by the Government of India. The act, which utilizes religion as a criterion for citizenship, is fundamentally at odds with the principles enshrined in our constitution. By endorsing such legislation, we risk sowing seeds of division among our citizens rather than fostering unity and integrity, which are essential for the progress and prosperity of our nation.

It is indeed ironic that while India strives to establish its presence in the global arena, including endeavors such as the aspiration to launch a space station, it simultaneously enacts laws that discriminate on the basis of religion and identity. Such actions have the potential to tarnish India’s reputation on the international stage and undermine the values of inclusivity and pluralism that our country stands for.

Therefore, I urge the union government to reconsider its stance on the Citizenship Amendment Act and take steps to retract this divisive legislation. Let us uphold the ideals of equality and justice upon which our nation was founded, and work towards a future where all citizens are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their religion or background.”

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