Grand Mufti Urges Muslims to Uphold Self-Respect in Faith and Values

Grand Mufti of India, Sheikh Abubakr Ahmad, inaugurating the Badrul Kubra Spiritual Conference held at Markaz Knowledge City.

Calicut: Delivering a keynote address at the Badr al-Kubra Spiritual Conference held at Jamiul Futuh, Grand Masjid in Markaz Knowledge City, Grand Mufti of India, Sheikh Abubakr Ahmad emphasized the importance of self-respect among Muslims in matters of faith and values.

The Grand Mufti highlighted the significance of self-esteem in faith, citing the strength and victory attained by believers in the Battle of Badr. He underscored that aiding fellow believers during crises is an act of self-respect, shielding them from the grip of disappointment, which the community of believers worldwide should model in every situation. Furthermore, he called upon all citizens to actively participate in the upcoming general elections, which are crucial for determining the nation’s prosperity and future trajectory.

Expressing concern over Israel’s interference in Palestine, particularly its targeting of Palestinian children, Grand Mufti denounced such acts as a violation of the principles of modern civilized society.

In advocating for peace during the conflict, the Grand Mufti urged nations engaged in warfare to learn from the example set by the Battle of Badr. He criticized major powers for prolonging disputes, asserting that such actions counter global peace and humanity.

Grand Mufti also emphasized the historical lesson from the Battle of Badr, wherein it was demonstrated that women, children, and the elderly should not be targeted in warfare, and the destruction of crops and trees should be avoided.

The address by the Grand Mufti at the Badr al-Kubra Spiritual Conference serves as a call to action for upholding self-respect in faith, promoting peace, and safeguarding humanitarian values in modern society.

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