Designation of Sri Rahul Gandhi as Lok Sabha Leader of Opposition

The Indian Overseas Congress, USA jumped into celebration at the designation of Sri Rahul Gandhi ji as the Leader of the Lok Sabha Opposition on June 24 2024. Secretary-General of IOC.USA Harbachan Singh remarked that Sri Rahul ji who is extremely well au courant with the needs of the people and the country has been widely regarded as the most suitable leader to be so designated. No doubt he will play a very significant role to save-guard democracy and the various ethnicities in Indian politics. He will fight fiercely or defend strongly, as necessary, the direction the Modi government will now assume. He will not allow Modi ji government a “free hand” anymore. The respect for justice, law and order and progressive policies will come first.

President Mohinder Singh Gilzian offered hearty congratulations to Sri Rahul ji and declared that as the leader of the opposition it will be Sri Rahul ji’s right and duty, if he believes the public interest is at stake, to oppose the government’s policies and actions by every legitimate parliamentary means. He proposed that in so doing, the opposition should also be trying to convince the electorate that they should change places with the government.

Dr. Sam Pitroda ji shared his remarks with the IOC.USA and said that short of total victory at the polls, the Indian National Congress has evidently won a pivotal position to closely monitor the actions and defaults of the government. He congratulated Sri Rahul Gandhi ji for his hard work and perseverance all these years and to the entire Indian Congress Party team at the helm in New Delhi.

Mr. George Abraham, Vice-Chairman explained that the Leader of the Opposition is generally responsible for managing the way the opposition develops policies , scrutinises the government and acts in Parliament and also strongly believes we will be in the best hands in Sri Rahul Gandhi ji.

The entire team of IOC.USA leaders, supporters and well wishes jointly send their very warm wishes and congratulations to Sri Rahul Gandhi ji and wish him total success and victory in his endeavors.


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