Make Tasty and Crispy Potato Wedges at home with this easy recipe

If you also want to make something new and tasty for breakfast, then potato wedges can be a great option. Yes, if you make them at home, you will be able to avoid adulteration in the market and you will also be able to earn praise by serving the taste of your own cooking.

Ingredients for Making Potato Wedges

Potatoes – 3-4
Oil – for frying
Salt – to taste
Black pepper – to taste
Paprika powder – 1/2 tsp
Red chilli powder – 1/4 tsp
Coriander powder – 1/4 tsp
Cumin powder – 1/4 tsp
Lemon juice – 1/2 tsp

How to make Potato Wedges

  • To make potato wedges, first peel and wash the potatoes. Then cut them lengthwise and turn them into wedges.
  • Now mix salt, black pepper, paprika powder, red chili powder, coriander powder, cumin powder and lemon juice in a bowl.
  • After this, put the potato wedges in the spice bowl and mix them well so that all the wedges get mixed well with the spices.
  • Now heat oil in a kadhai or pan and then add potato wedges into it.
  • Fry the potato wedges until golden brown, turning occasionally so that all the wedges are fried evenly.
  • Then take out the fried potato wedges on tissue paper, so that the extra oil comes out.
  • Finally, serve these wedges on a plate. You can also serve them with sauce, chutney or green chutney.

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