Noida: RSS Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale has given a big statement about the name of the country. He said that the country should not be called India but only Bharat.
In the book release program of Vimarsh Bharat organized in Noida, he expressed his views on this subject and asked why the country is called by two names. Here Dattatreya Hosabale said, recently the government had written Republic of Bharat in the invitation of Rashtrapati Bhavan in the G20 conference. We should also say only Bharat, not India. Why should the country’s constitution be called Constitution of India and the Reserve Bank Reserve Bank of India? This question should be raised and it will have to be corrected. If there is India, then say Bharat only.
RSS Sarkaryavah also discussed the nationality, history and culture of India. He said that India is not just a landmass or constitutional structure, but a philosophy of life and spiritual consciousness. He also said that it is a wrong notion to call India only an agricultural country. India’s global trade share was 23 per cent in 1600 AD, was this possible only through agriculture? He said ancient India was also ahead in science, mathematics and industry, but external invaders destroyed the education system and did not let us realise our prosperity.
He said that Indian culture has never been destroyed even in the passage of time. Our ancestors had pledged to protect their culture and this is our real identity.